UBUNTU FIX: mount: devsdb1

2014年10月21日—Testthis:ConnectyourHdd.Openaterminal,.PressCtrl+Alt+T.Runit:sudo-ifdisk-l.Supposethatfdiskreportsthatthepartition ...,2021年12月18日—Linuxgeneralissues-Can'treadsuperblockerrorwhentryingtomount-SBZSystems.,2020年2月16日—So,afilesy...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can't mount an IDE HDD

2014年10月21日 — Test this: Connect your Hdd. Open a terminal,. Press Ctrl + Alt + T. Run it: sudo -i fdisk -l. Suppose that fdisk reports that the partition ...

Can't read superblock error when trying to mount

2021年12月18日 — Linux general issues - Can't read superblock error when trying to mount - SBZ Systems.


2020年2月16日 — So, a filesystem located on a LVM logical volume does not have its superblock readable. First, make sure all the LVs in the volume group have ...

How to Fix "can't read superblock" Error on Linux (ext4 & ...

2022年4月19日 — This tutorial shows you how to fix the can not read superblock error on Linux for ext4 and Btrfs file system.

mount can't read superblock on devsda5

2021年11月11日 — Any activity that might issue writes to the device is strictly forbidden. For instance, in that case, you buy another disk, try to dump ...

Resolving 'Can't Read Superblock' Error in Proxmox

Learn how to fix the 'Can't Read Superblock' error in Linux that can occur due to a defective disk or power outage.

[SOLVED] HDD won't mount

2018年6月6日 — I have no idea what happened. One day my computer was fine, I usually leave it suspended, rarely leave it running over night, ...

[SOLVED] Problem mounting external HDD

2021年5月29日 — Hello, I think I'm in trouble here. First I couldn't mount my external HDD with the error message being can't read superblock. Then I.

挂载分区提示can't read superblock on devsda1

2018年5月15日 — 挂载分区提示can't read superblock on /dev/sda1,挂载分区提示can'treadsuperblockon/dev/xxx.


2014年10月21日—Testthis:ConnectyourHdd.Openaterminal,.PressCtrl+Alt+T.Runit:sudo-ifdisk-l.Supposethatfdiskreportsthatthepartition ...,2021年12月18日—Linuxgeneralissues-Can'treadsuperblockerrorwhentryingtomount-SBZSystems.,2020年2月16日—So,afilesystemlocatedonaLVMlogicalvolumedoesnothaveitssuperblockreadable.First,makesurealltheLVsinthevolumegrouphave ...,2022年4月19日—Thistutorialshowsyouhowto...

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